Students are expected to be in complete uniform on school days. Students should present themselves in a neat, tidy and appropriate manner while attending school and school-related events. Hair should be clean and neatly styled. All items of clothing must be labeled with the student’s name and should be in good repair.
Boys’ Uniform: – Dark grey trousers purchased at school supplier (Neat Uniforms) – Green v-neck crested sweater – White plain dress shirt (short or long sleeved) – White or grey socks – Blue tie purchased at Neat Uniforms – All-black rubber-soled shoes
Girls’ Uniform – Green and Black kilt purchased at school supplier – ** (Kilt should be approximately knee-length) – Green V-neck crested sweater – White plain dress shirt (short or long sleeved) – Green knee highs or tights – Blue tie purchased at Neat Uniforms – All-black rubber-soled shoes. Physical Education Gym Uniform Gym strip is to be worn on assigned gym days (see your child’s schedule). – St. Andrew’s green t-shirt and grey shorts purchased at school supplier – white or green socks – runners (to be brought to school in a gym bag)
It is expected that full gym uniform will be worn on all gym days.
Non-Uniform Days On certain days through the year (e.g. special fundraisers), students are given permission to come ‘out of uniform’. These days will be identified in the school newsletter. On these days students are expected to wear neat, clean, and appropriate clothing for the weather and event.
Uniform Infractions Students who do not comply with the uniform policy will be sent to the office and will receive a note from the principal. Parents are required to sign the note and provide an explanation.
Unconventional hairstyles or dyed hair are not acceptable. Make-up and fancy jewelry are inappropriate with the school uniform. Earrings other than stud earrings for girls are not permitted. It is not recommended that students wear expensive earrings or necklaces to school. Inappropriate appearance or dress may result in the following:
- a letter from the teacher/principal.
- instruction, after consulting the parents, to the student to return home to change clothing.